Our Scholastic Book Club is up and running!
Visit to browse the latest books and order online. For every £1 you spend on this month’s Book Club, our school will earn 20p in Scholastic Rewards.
Receive FREE DELIVERY for your order when you have it sent to our School.
Please place your order online by March 28th, 2024.
Strathdon School and Parent Forum will be hosting a Bingo Night on Tuesday 26th March 2024.
Doors will open at 6.30 pm and we will start sharp.
We will be using Jumbo Bingo books as we have done at previous nights at £6.00 each.
They contain six separate colourful pages.
Each page can be split into six smaller game sheets for those looking to divide a game up among family/friends as well.
During the night there will be twelve games played.
Two games played for each colour the first game being a top/middle/bottom/corner game followed by a full house.

Prizes are non-cash and will be awarded to the first person to shout out.
Bingo daubers available to purchase at the door for £2.00 each
Raffle tickets £1.00 each strip or 6 strips for £5.00
Donations for the Raffle accepted at the door.
Cash/Card accepted on the door
Refreshments will be served half way through the games.
Proceeds from the Bingo night will go towards helping fund upcoming Educational Excursions.
This is a family/ community event so please bring the children along with you.
March 2024
We received delivery yesterday of our brand new picnic bench.
The money was raised to pay for this by our Pupils/ Staff from the Bingo night held in November 2023.
Thank you to everyone who came along to support us.

Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel
11th – 22nd March 2024
The pupils will be taking part again in this special event this year.

Active Schools will be running events through the Easter Holidays.
To view and book their sessions visit the below website or scan the code on the poster below.
Please note that the link and qr code won’t be active until Monday 4th March at 12 noon

November 2023
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our Bingo night the pupils raised enough to order a new bench in the next term.

October 2023
Strathdon Pupils had a visit from Andy and Harold of Coram Life Education SCARF. They provided a brand new session suited to our pupils and families. This works well with our Health and Wellbeing Provision Visit their site at Family SCARF (

August 2023
The Lonach Highland Friendly Society held a competition for pupils from Strathdon and Towie primary schools to create a flag to be flown at Lonach to celebrate of 200 years of the society.
One of our Primary 4 pupils’ designs was chosen and turned into a flag.
Here she is with her design which was turned into a flag.
Friday 7th July 2023
As we approach the end of this school year today.
We would like to wish you all a lovely summer holiday break.
The pupils have had a busy term with outings, visitors, breakfast club and our first trip to PGL for a couple of years for the P4-7’s.
They recently received awards during the end of term show last week.
Pupils are able to keep them at home until term four next year.
At which point these will be returned to School during to enable us to present them to new pupils.
Please don’t forget to polish them.
We are sad to say goodbye to our Primary 7 pupils today as they head off to the Academy after the summer.
Although we feel they are ready for the next stage on their learning journey.
They still have some mischief planned for this afternoon which I am sure will create a lot of fun.
After the summer holiday we will be welcoming 4 new pupils to our School as we return on Tuesday 22nd August.
Transport have been in touch and letters will be issued to confirm that you all have places on transport after the summer break.
Please can new families send in the paperwork received recently along with a copy of their child’s birth certificate for my attention on the Tuesday.
Then Lonach will be taking place on the Saturday after we return.
We will be holding a bottle stall at Lonach to raise funds for the Parent Forum and School.
Please send in bottles at the start of the first week of term – it helps to provide me enough time to label them ahead of the games on the Saturday.
Thank you to Anne-Marie and Amy who have volunteered to assist Kerry and Pip on their last set up of the stall at Lonach on the Friday.
Mr. Redmond and Mr. Burr are currently working on the school timetable for next term.
Once I have details of it, I shall share it with you all.
In the meantime, please do send in suitable clothing for outdoor learning and PE each day of the first term until I have the information available to share with you.
We will be going swimming from Tuesday 5th of September for a period of six weeks at Alford Community Campus.
Funded for by the Parent Forum along with a grant they received.
Consent forms for this along with a request for pupils swimming abilities will come out in the first week that we return.
I think that is everything for now but again on behalf of myself and the whole of the School Team have a lovely break when it comes.
Letty Scrimgeour
School Administrator
Friday 7th July 2023

Summer Reading Challenge 2023

Why not get along to your local library and sign up for Summer Reading?
Take a look online –
They have something for all ages so simply register at your nearest library or online to be in with chance of winning some fantastic prizes, click HERE to see list of what could be won!.
There is also a creative competition for all to take part in. Click HERE to download the entry form.
Friday 23rd June 2023
The P4-7 Pupils are all excited about our trip to PGL this weekend.
We will be departing around 2 pm today if you wish to come and say goodbye to them, please come along.
We hope to arrive there just before our evening meal to settle in and then they have their first activity tonight at 7.30 pm.
Details of the activities that we will be doing along with the timetable and other information about PGL Dalguise can now be found on our website at
We will depart straight after our evening meal on Sunday and expect to be back at Strathdon School for around 8.00 pm. However, we will send a message when we are setting off in the Parent Messenger chat.
Please keep an eye on the Parent Messenger Chat this weekend to see any updates from us.
Next Week
The August Entries will be visiting School on Monday 26th June between 1.25 pm and 3.30 pm to take part in our Forest School Session.
Wednesday 28th June the SPCA will be visiting in the afternoon to provide the children with a workshop on pet care.
Thursday 29th June end of Term Show at 6.30 pm
The Parent Forum has a rota for assisting on the evening with raffle sales, refreshments, and a clear down. Please send in items for the raffle beforehand if possible or drop it in as you arrive on Thursday.
Mr Redmond will be issuing more information to Parents about the evening.
Last Week of Term
The pupils will be going up Ben Newe on Wednesday 5th July accompanied by the Pupils from Crathie.
Please explore our website as we now include recent news items that we share with families on there as well. As well as other useful information for families.
P7 to S1 Links – ParentsPortal
As we are nearing the end of term and to help reduce any potential messages over the holidays, we recommend that you contact any P7 leaver parents/carers signed up to with the text below or adapt and put on your schools twitter/facebook feeds:
As your child(ren) will be leaving school on Friday 7th July, 23, can we take this opportunity to let you know what will happen with your account.
Parents/carers will continue to be able to log into and have access to any tiles that either provide general information or are links to other webpages, however you will no longer see the name of the child(ren) who are leaving, in your list of linked children. This is because all schools require to enter a leaving date. Once we reach this leaving date, all child links for the leaving child(ren) will be broken.
Requests for child links to new schools will start in August 2023. If the new school is an Aberdeenshire school, you will be notified during the first couple of weeks of term when to make the new link. If you do not hear anything by the end of August 2023, please get in touch with the new school as we would not want you to miss out on completing your Annual Data Check form online.
If parents/carers try to set up the new link before schools open again, an automatic notice of a Link Child Failure will be received. Please wait until your new school opens and try again then.
If you have any other issue with over summer, please refer to Aberdeenshire’s web page (Parentsportal – Aberdeenshire Council ) or use the ‘Chat/Virtual Assistant’ or ‘Need help?’ options at the bottom right hand corner of the login page. As most school offices are closed for the complete holiday period, any messages left with the school may not be responded to.
Thank you to everyone for raising donations for Strathdon Primary School with #easyfundraising! If you haven’t signed up yet, it’s easy and completely FREE. 8,100 brands will donate to us when you use easyfundraising to do your everyday online shopping – at no extra cost to you! Every donation you raise makes a difference to us so please sign up & share today.
Friday 16th June 2023
PGL Friday 23rd June
Letters going home today for Primary 4 – 7 Parents containing information about our trip away next weekend. Please ensure you read them and if you have any questions please just ask.
End of Term Show/Awards 29th June
Should you have any questions about the Strathdon’s Got Talent! Show please email and we can pass it onto Mr Redmond for you to respond to.
The night itself is normally very hands on for families.
Volunteers required to help return chairs to shed after the show.
We will be serving Tea/Coffee/Cake/Shortbread just outside the canteen entrance like last year.
Volunteers Required to serve/take away – this will be set up in advance on the day.
Please start sending in your items for the raffle prizes for the night of the end of term show.
Volunteers Required to help sell tickets on the door and also to display the prizes ready for collection at tea/coffee time.
Please email if you are able to assist.
Strathdon Football Tournament 1st July.
If your child/children would be interested in taking part in the 5 aside football on Saturday 1st July
Please email
Thank you to all those who have emailed already your details have been passed to Mr Redmond.
Ben Newe Walk 5th July.
Letter coming home today with information about our visit to Ben Newe on 5th July.
Please return the pack lunch order forms contained to School by Tuesday 20th June.
Tuesday 13th June 2023
The Summer Reading starts on 15th June and runs until 26 August. Summer Reading is open to all ages and it would be great to have lots of people reading and listening to books over the summer.
Creative Competition – design a poster and/or a bookmark – you don’t have to be taking part in the Summer Reading to submit an entry for the creative competition. Entry forms can be collected from any library in Aberdeenshire or downloaded from the Library webpage once it goes live on Thursday 15th June.
Tuesday 13th June 2023
Active Schools are delighted to introduce Football Coaching for P1-7 pupils from Lumsden, Strathdon, Towie & Tullynessle Schools! Please CLICK HERE for more information.
To apply for a place please click The closing date for applications is Wednesday 14th June at 1pm.
We are looking for more people to help with the coaching so if you would be interested please contact or call 01467 468612 and we can have a chat.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you would like any further information.
Kind regards
Kerry Barlow
Active Schools Coordinator (Alford Network)
Monday 12th June
A couple of items of information from School.
Rag Bag Bin
We have requested that the Rag Bag bin be emptied again.
They have said it will be around 14 days but going by their track record this can normally be longer.
For those who are new to our Rag Bag its located in our car park and all profits from it go into the Parent Forum funds.
Please follow this link to find out more about what they collect and also what they won’t take away.
Everything that is deposited into the collection bin MUST be in a sealed bag otherwise items will fall out and they won’t take them away.
Any items left on top /beside the bin when it is full will be disposed of in the general waste bins at the School.
Corgarff Picnic
Thank you to everyone who was able to assist on Saturday at the Picnic.
The Parent Forum raised around £206 pounds after returning float, prize money and lucky dip costs.
Mrs Field has granted permission for the Parent Forum to store our Fund Raising items in a shed at School and I will organise its storage in the appropriate location.
Water Bottles
Just a request to check if your child/children have suitable water bottles that are for the purpose of daily use.
As they can sometimes develop leaks due to daily trips back and forth to School.
P4-7 PGL Behaviour Consent Forms
If you haven’t already as I know it was a busy weekend.
Please ensure these are returned to School by Tuesday 13th June latest.
Monday 12th June 2023
Our Parent Forum raises funds through a Rag Bag collection bin that is located in our School’s car park.
Here is a link to items they WILL and WILL NOT collect.
Please note that we have requested a new uplift today but this may take a month or so before this happens.

Monday 12th June 2023
Our August Entrants will be joining us for lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday this week.
This is a lovely opportunity for Families to see how lunch is presented and sample one of the meals provided.

Friday 9th June 2023 – Weekly Roundup
Saturday 10th June – Corgarff Picnic
We look forward to seeing lots of you tomorrow at the games in Corgarff.
The games start around 12.30 pm and there will be lots of stalls that you can visit including our very own Parent Forum Stall and Mrs Field on her duck race stall.
Mrs Field is looking for helpers on the day to catch the ducks at the end of the race. If you can help her, please do just say hello. She will have lots of little yellow ducks who need stopped from escaping.
Monday 12th June
Primary 7 Link week at Alford Academy
Our August entries will be joining our Pupils on Tuesday/Wednesday this week to have lunch in our Canteen with a family member.
Other Items
P4-7 Pupils will be bringing home a good behaviour contract for Parent/Carers to sign – please return these by Monday 12th June.
Along with a letter with information on the kit to take to PGL with them.